photo credit : John Nixon
Kaylee suspected this was ‘wrong’, but the little clowns were quite insistent.
“Stupid girl! Hurry!” snapped the clown in the enormous hat.
Bertie snarled.
Never trust a man your dog doesn’t like, Kaylee thought.
The twinkly-eyed clown led her to a piano mouldering in a grimy outbuilding.
“Take your time,” he whispered.
Kaylee began to play.
Moments later, it was over. But now… was she in trouble?
Who’d believe the little clowns had just disappeared through a magical piano?
All except that one.
The one with the big hat and bad attitude.
She smiled at Bertie, happily chewing on harlequin trousers.
“Good dog,” she said, patting his head.
I’ve used my own dog’s name in this story, but not his character! Bertie would never snarl, let alone bite a clown with a bad attitude – or anyone else for that matter!
This story was written for the Friday Fictioneers, as hosted on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ site. Click the smiley blue guy to read more stories from other authors.
Dear Trudy,
Love Bertie. Cute use of the prompt.
Thanks Rochelle, it’s a cute picture 😉
Handsome boy! Enjoyed your story, made me grin.
Thanks Sandra, happy to make you smile, and I’ll pass on your compliment (and Rochelle’s) – when I can tear him away from dreaming about rabbits!
Dogs really are mans’ best friend, clowns not so much. Entertaining story.
Clowns are creepy. You know it, and I know it. Stephen King knew it. But you can be ‘sick as a dog’ or even ‘thrown to the dogs’, ‘cos it’s a ‘dog eat dog world’! Hardly seems fair, does it? No one seems to be warning us about creepy clowns at all!
nice one:) The name, Bertie, reminds one of Bertram Wooster from P.G.Wodehouse stories
We have Bertie Bassett (the Liquorice Allsorts man) here, so we had that in mind when we named him, ‘cos he looked like a little black piece of liquorice – but in my mind, he’s a bit of a Bertie Wooster! An old fashioned kind of dog, ‘bit of a coward, a trifle dizzy, but frightfully well bred! One day I’ll explain that to my girls, or just show them the books!
Trudy, darling, this was wonderful as usual — I wonder if you’re familiar with the Tarot at all — I find it interesting that you paired the harlequin fool with a little dog — as The Fool is often portrayed (see the Rider-Waite deck, for example)
I’ve just Googled that – stunning illustrations on those cards, but it’s just a coincidence (unless my subconscious dredged it up from somewhere). You could tell/foretell a lot of stories with those characters, which I guess reading Tarot is all about, with a little help from Fate to pick the cards!
I agree with the sentiment of not trusting anyone my dog does not like.
Some dogs are smart that way, though my previous dog hated my husband, bless her, she was so jealous!
That’s a great one. That’ll teach bad-mannered clowns what’s what. She should of smeared ketchup on his butt and let Bertie have at it. A very fun story.
Now he does like ketchup, so you might have something there…..
Good for Bertie! Love Jeeves and Wooster, too
They’re great aren’t they!
I like where you went with this, and I’m glad Bertie was on-point!
Thank you! The real Bertie’s a total coward, so it’s all made up!
Hahaha! Poor Bertie!
Does he have a British accent as well?
Too right! He’s far better bred than I am!
Cute story, very enjoyable.
Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Bertie seems to be a smart dog… like that
I’ll tell him you said so 🙂
What a satisfying ending. If only life were like that. 🙂
I like characters to get what’s coming to them in my stories – which is nothing like real life, as you say!