Ma’s new iHome


photo credit : Janet Webb

“It’s an iHome, Ma!”
Ma sneered.
“It changes, see?” Darren explained, clicking the remote. “‘Victorian Terrace’, ‘New York Apartment’ – ”
His son Johnny grabbed the device and turned the house into a pineapple.
“Sponge Bob!” Johnny chortled.
Darren snatched it back and clicked ‘Country Cottage’.
His wife put Johnny down, letting him toddle inside.
“And look, Ma! It moves the furniture!”
“Toilet!”  the old lady snapped.
Driving home, Darren worried. His wife sympathised. Ma hadn’t even waved them off.
Johnny played. “Open!” he chuckled, pushing buttons. “Shut!”
Back at the iHome, Ma hammered on the bathroom door, her toilet seat snapping like a playful crocodile.


This story was written for the Friday Fictioneers, as hosted on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ site. I used the photo prompt very loosely! Click the smiley blue guy to read more stories from other authors.

26 thoughts on “Ma’s new iHome

    • Thanks Perry, I’m hoping it does its own system housekeeping too, because then I definitely want one!

    • That could be me in the future – I can just see my daughters trying to sell me on the advantages of an automated home! Self-cleaning aside, I’d be scared to death of the thing!

    • Really pleased I made you laugh – they probably make remote control toilets now, but I wouldn’t give the remote to a toddler!

  1. Funny stuff. Well done! I laughed like the rest. Especially the toilet, but I’m afraid that would scare me to death also! 😉

  2. Beautiful story. The dangers of technology, to be sure. An iHome sounds very intriguing, although I don’t know if I’d want my home run completely by Apple

    • My home isn’t run by Apple, but I suspect my daughters might be! If you can’t do it on the iPad it’s not worth doing !

    • I saw a news article about Japanese toilets, and they are already wireless controlled! They come with their own control panel and everything – amazing! That’s what was in my mind when I wrote the story. It’s not as far fetched as it seems 🙂

    • Thanks Rochelle, though it seems the all-singing, all-dancing Japanese toilets might have beaten Apple to it!

    • A little home from home, or should that be iHome from iHome. Yikes! That’s enough of the i jokes!
      Thanks Joe 🙂

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