
Wishing Ball

Photo copyright: Janet Webb

The townsfolk didn’t like us at first, so Grandma hung an old wasps’ nest in a tree.

She let it be known that if anyone had a wish, they could write it on a scrap of paper, and post it in the empty nest. Her Wishing Ball, she called it, and soon it was stuffed, and filled with a curious humming noise.

“Yearning,” said Grandma. “A townful of it.”

Halloween, at midnight, everyone gathered to see the wish granted, and by force of will, it was Lucy, the Mayor’s daughter, whose wish prevailed.


…a purple unicorn?

What use is that?



This story was written for the Friday Fictioneers. Click the little blue smiley fellow to read more stories from other authors.

25 thoughts on “Wishes

    • My favourite bit too, and what came as soon as I saw the photo prompt. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

    • I changed that line several times, I’m glad you like the finished version 🙂

    • Thank you Sandra, the idea was very vivid in my mind as soon as I saw the picture. I’m glad I got it across.

    • Thanks Claire, it’s great when an idea comes straight away. Normally, it takes me a long walk with the dog before I know what I’ll do for the Friday Fictioneers. Glad you liked it 🙂

  1. I enjoyed reading this. I especially liked the humming ot the townsfolks’ yearning, very imaginative and believable. Still smiling at the thought of a purple unicorn, loved it

    • Yes, I wanted it to be a child’s wish that came true, because when they want something, they really, really want something, and I wanted to keep it ‘light’, so purple unicorn came to mind. (I could have gone ‘dark’ with this, and have someone wish back a pet like in Stephen King’s Pet Sematary, but I wasn’t feeling in a horror kind of mood).

  2. Dear Trudy,
    I, for one, am thankful you weren’t in a horror mood. Love the purple unicorn. Of course if Grandma was in my story she’d be burned at the stake. 😉

  3. And why not! I’d love a purple unicorn. I love your take on the prompt. Unique with Unicorns 🙂

    • Well, certainly all the little girls in my acquaintance, and for the more business-minded, I guess it would be quite the money spinner! Thanks for stopping by:-)

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