The Will

rusty bike, rust sculpture

A family of witches and warlocks bicker over a Will – but who will get the enchanted bike? Continue reading

Scrivener – my best writing buddy

scrivenerPlotter or Pantser, sooner or later I reckon you could do with Scrivener.

Plotters plot, and Scrivener lets you plot with a Corkboard feature, which has little index cards that you drag around. Each card represents a scene or chapter or chunk of your writing, and if you move it around, that chunk of writing moves around seamlessly in your manuscript. Magical.

Pantsers ….pant(?) well, no, they don’t. Pantsers do things by the seat of their pants, like me, but that way chaos lies. Chaos is messy, much like my housekeeping skills (so I guess there’s a bit of a clue there), but you can’t live in chaos forever. Well – I can’t. And that’s where Scrivener comes in.

My messy manuscript got loaded into Scrivener a while ago, split into scenes, colour coded (yes there are many opportunities to play and procrastinate with this software), and is now more manageable and even has a structure.

I’d been using the Index card method  suggested by Alexandra Sokoloff, and it made a lot of sense – but so unwieldy!

I even took a photo of my index cards. Who’s got space for all that on their wall?

plotting using index cards

The only drawback to Scrivener so far? My computer is terminally slow, and Scrivener is quite a hungry beast, so things don’t happen nearly as quickly as I’d like them to. Plumber Husband is working on moving all our data up into the ether, so the speed problems might be sorted out. Or is that the wrong sort of memory? Tut, tut, completely clueless.

And talking of procrastination, Scrivener  can randomly generate some pretty cool names too, which is always worth a play. These are Scandinavian/Swedish.

scrivener name generator, random name generator

It’s available for Mac or PC, and like any new software, there’s a steep learning curve, but you can skip through the tutorial to find the bits you need, I don’t use all the features anyway.  The Corkboard is so easy to use,  you can just jump right in after the tutorial and start moving those scenes wherever you want.

And the best bit – there’s a free 30 day trial, which is any 30 days, so why not give it a go?  Let me know what you think of it.



A Technical post – CloudBerry Explorer PRO

TPlumber Husband likes to sort out all our data storage, well, maybe he doesn’t like it, but he has to, as I’m completely inept in that area.

Anyway, he’s very pleased with this new CloudBerry software, which helps us manage our photos, videos, and various manuscript versions (!) up in the Amazon S3 cloud.

Over to him, since plumbers can write as well as plumb –

“Having joined Amazon S3 cloud storage for our data, we needed a program to manage and upload the data, the Amazon desktop was not user friendly and after checking the forums discovered CloudBerry Explorer PRO. There are others out there too, I tried a couple of programs including this one and it just felt right.

There were a few teething problems and I emailed the team and started a dialogue listing my problems and general questions. I suggested some improvements that hopefully will be implemented in the future. I have to say the experience was good, a quick response and they never tired of my replies to their comments.

I can strongly recommend this and I have been using it now constantly for some weeks. I have been uploading data constantly and by shortening the number of files that are uploaded at once, they call it streaming, it seems to work better, perhaps a faster BB would prevent this.

Moving data to Glacier was a cinch with this program, the S3 program was not that simple but here no problem.”



“This stallion,” said Grandpa, a twinkle in his eye, “will bewitch those Nightmares and keep you safe.” The charm was bone white; whittled from the wood of a skeleton tree.

“Nightmares are part of growing to Witch-hood,” huffed Grandma, but she let me keep it.
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“This tower is 700 years old,” said Uncle Atticus. “The house came later.”

Lotta trailed behind. The incessant winding left her dizzy. Added to that, his tower smelt bad. Bat droppings. Damp. An unidentified animal smell that seeped beneath the doors on every landing.
Quite a start to her first flying lesson.
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